Imagine falling off a ladder at work and hitting your head. You’d likely be dazed, and may even have a concussion. You may have a broken bone. In that moment, it’s hard to think straight, let alone plan ahead to recover your losses from the accident.
The first and most immediate concern is to seek medical attention, but what happens next? You may have a long physical recovery ahead of you that will leave out of work and looking to claim workers’ compensation benefits or file a personal injury lawsuit. Here’s what you need to know to protect yourself.
See a doctor
Depending on your injury, you may be rushed to an emergency room or you may have a chance to select a doctor. If you don’t need emergency services, your employer may have a list of required Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs) to choose from. If not, you are free to select your own doctor, but make sure the Compensation Board.
Notify your employer
You will also need to notify your employer of your accident or injuries. Your workers’ compensation benefits could be denied if you do not notify your employer within 30 days of your injury.
Keep records
One of the most important things you can do is to keep records. Record the date and severity of your injuries. Keep medical records. Make notes of doctor visits. Take photos of your injuries. Anything you can do to document your injuries will be to your benefit.
You will also want to keep financial records to help ensure that you are recovering all the losses you are entitled to.
Consult an attorney
It is important to work with an attorney to make sure you don’t miss anything. Trying to go through the process without the assistance of a lawyer could mean you don’t get the compensation you deserve.